Monday, April 14, 2008

7 weeks left

7 weeks left of school and man! are we all feeling it. Alot of us after coming back from spring break have "checked out" its embarrasing to be saying that but i'll be the first one to tell you that alot of the things going on right now at school are making me happy that summer is around the corner.

Lately alot of us, including myself at school have been down in the dumps because of how classes are being run and the crazy ass schedules we got for school. I understand that its a whole time management thing, but its getting to be overkill. Today I was in the computer lab, for once seriously trying to put together a trailer for my film Dreamer's Ball. A january start comes into the classroom and is expressing that he is not happy with things in the school either. You have only been here 3 months I told him! Now I could have joined him and totally raged on the school but it was the first time that I really put things in to perspective.

Just from his words; "not caring", "waste of time", "regretting"... I could tell this kid was feeling it pretty heavy.

I stopped my editing and sat down with him told him just to vent to me. After about a 10 min. venting process I began to tell him that everyone will sooner or later feel like he is. Most of us are. But what makes you a better person is how you handle yourself in that situation or dilemma. NO ONE! NO ONE! handed us pieces of paper that said " your first year is going to be perfect, magical, and you will have absolutely no problems". The school is in its first year, of course there will be problems, its all part of the growing process of making the school what its mission is. I can only hope that when future classes come through its not the same old problems.
You have to roll with alot of punches in this industry and at the end of this year, that is what I'm beginning to learn the most.


I let him know that if he ever needed to talk, get away, or need help with an editing software(which seemed to be his primary concern) to come to me or anyone of us in the film class wether they be january or sept. start. WE are all there to help each other and its the bond we share as film students, collegues, friends, to get each other through the hard times that we have. For the first time I felt like a mentor. I hope that if any January kids are reading this you all look to me as someone you can trust and someone that will listen to you, straight up!

Who knows your experiences could make a great short or feature film one day, Keep ya head up!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Confession Friday

Hello true believers ( sorry i was channeling Stan Lee, for a moment) I know I have to keep up with this blog, not that people are knocking at my door for writing material but for those of you who check in from time to time. Thank you. 

So "Confession Friday", your probably thinking, "what the hell?" Well this past friday my sister made her Confirmation and my family and I went to church to witness the event take place.  

I haven't been to church since my grandpa died which was this past summer in August and before then I hadn't been for very long time. Now I have faith, I believe in God and I believe that all the good things that have befallen me have been because of him.  But sometimes I question my faith.  Totally contradicted myself, but hey I'm human, relax.   Anyway, as I sat in the church and listened to the Bishop's Homily, I could not help but take it personal.  He began by relating of course to all of us, then laying down the rules of what it meant to be confirmed.  Paraphrasing here he said that if the children there, were not going to give one day to come and celebrate the Lord and "do the whole church thing" that we could have an early night.  He also went on to say that if they went through this and still didn't go to church and stuff, that they and we ( the congregation) are all phoney's, and nobody likes a phoney. 

I almost got up and walked out of church. I came to church to be called a phoney! don't think so. As my friend Danny would say, my Machismo kicked in.   I didn't like his tone and it really hit me.  So I guess he did his job right?  I haven't gone to church because to me it got really boring.  I felt as though I was mourning as opposed to celebrating, and no one really was speaking my language (no Danny, not spanish) Sometimes  I look at the priests and it looks like they don't even want to be there.  So maybe it'll hit me one day, that bolt of lighting. We'll See 


Saturday, February 16, 2008


Hey all, today I had the day off, so I thought I would go and check out a movie. ON the list tonight was JUMPER, here's what I gotta say. 

I'm a big fan of the classic "popcorn movie", the genuine action flick!  Jumper came out on Feb. 14th.  The basic plot of the story pans out like this, a boy discovers that he has the ability to teleport and lives his life kind of taking advantage of his new found gift. However when he becomes an adult he discovers that an organization who call themselves Paladins are hunting them, believing that "only God should have the power to be anywhere at anytime".  Action ensues and this leads us into my thoughts about it. 

I have to admit I really enjoyed this movie, its stars Hayden Christensen and Samuel L. Jackson, from yes! the Star Wars prequels.  Don't get it twisted now even though Hayden was wooden in the SW films he can act! He does come off as a bit of a newbie in this film but when he is introduced to Griffith ( actor Jamie Bell) he starts to discover what he is capable of.  Hayden played a good part he was very believable and like able.  Samuel L. Jackson plays Roland, who seems to be the head of the Paladins and he is good!  He really is a no holds barred villain, who seems hell-bent on ridding the world of Jumpers.  

This film is set in todays world and the one good thing about it, its believable.  What I really liked was the weapons used by the Paladins, they don't look corny or cheesy.  With the movie clocking in at only 88min. the film moves along and doesn't keep you bored with a long overdrawn out plot.  The action is there and everything keeps you in the story. 

The movie is directed by Doug Liman who directed movies like Mr. and Mrs. Smith and the first Bourne movie.  I believe him to be the perfect guy to do this movie, the plot itself feels like a graphic novel, i remember reading an article where he said that this is his "comic book movie' and he does a fine job at it.

So i know this isn't as long as a review as professionals but hey again I'm working on building those skills up, I definitely recommend seeing this one in the theaters, 

enjoy! peace! 

Friday, February 8, 2008

It Begins...

hey everyone ok so I started this blog, wrote two things and nvr came back.. that kinda sux.. so i'm gonna try and be better at this. Today is a good day, 

today i got an internship on a film that is shooting in chicago called Humboldt Park, the movie stars John Leguizamo, Luis Guzman, Jay Hernandez, and Freddy Rodriquez its out in 2009 so look out for it. So in my journey to become a major player in Hollywood, this is where it all starts for me, this is an unpaid internship but hey! we all gotta start somewhere right?  wish me luck!

As far as the rest of life. School is going good, I really feel like i'm starting to leave my mark there.  That is the frame of mind i've had since i was in high school.  I want to leave my mark everywhere i go.  In high school, i made a good reputation with wrestling, at UIC I made a good little following with my tv show, and know i'm doin big things over here.  THANK YOU GOD!  Stuff is starting to look up and i'm on my way.  

thx for reading. peace!