Sunday, April 13, 2008

Confession Friday

Hello true believers ( sorry i was channeling Stan Lee, for a moment) I know I have to keep up with this blog, not that people are knocking at my door for writing material but for those of you who check in from time to time. Thank you. 

So "Confession Friday", your probably thinking, "what the hell?" Well this past friday my sister made her Confirmation and my family and I went to church to witness the event take place.  

I haven't been to church since my grandpa died which was this past summer in August and before then I hadn't been for very long time. Now I have faith, I believe in God and I believe that all the good things that have befallen me have been because of him.  But sometimes I question my faith.  Totally contradicted myself, but hey I'm human, relax.   Anyway, as I sat in the church and listened to the Bishop's Homily, I could not help but take it personal.  He began by relating of course to all of us, then laying down the rules of what it meant to be confirmed.  Paraphrasing here he said that if the children there, were not going to give one day to come and celebrate the Lord and "do the whole church thing" that we could have an early night.  He also went on to say that if they went through this and still didn't go to church and stuff, that they and we ( the congregation) are all phoney's, and nobody likes a phoney. 

I almost got up and walked out of church. I came to church to be called a phoney! don't think so. As my friend Danny would say, my Machismo kicked in.   I didn't like his tone and it really hit me.  So I guess he did his job right?  I haven't gone to church because to me it got really boring.  I felt as though I was mourning as opposed to celebrating, and no one really was speaking my language (no Danny, not spanish) Sometimes  I look at the priests and it looks like they don't even want to be there.  So maybe it'll hit me one day, that bolt of lighting. We'll See 
